Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ski with me!

More pictures to come, but needless to say, we're having fun in Virginia.

UPDATE: Here are the promised pictures. This was such a relaxing and renewing vacation - we're so thankful to have had the opportunity to do it! On a separate (but related) note, I vow to practice turning. My speed at one point reached supersonic levels, and I will not ever do that again. Bunny slopes for this ski bunny.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snowy Day!

No school today!

I will post some pictures, as I'm about go out into it. But here are a few from last night. It was so peaceful and serene; Eric and I got to take a walk late last night, right before it started sleeting.

I'm off to try out my ski clothes!

Building Bears

William and Grace celebrated their 8th and 6th birthdays (respectively) at the Build-A-Bear Workshop. I've never experienced this place in all my years of aunt-dom, though I have seen the fruits of its labor. It was quite an enjoyable experience; I love how they put little hearts in each bear, and that fluff machine was really cool. Julie thinks it has some potential in her house; it can suck up almost anything, so she was thinking homework, socks, toys - anything that's left out. Then, for some coinage, the consumer can retrieve their belongings. What a great way to clean and earn money at the same time!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Xavier's Baptism

Can't post much now, but you can check out pictures from Xavier's baptism here. He is one beautiful little boy, and his parents aren't half bad either. :)